Community United Providers
"It takes a CUP full of Wellness to make a difference in Health"
Community United Providers (CUP) is a non-profit organization that was incorporated with the mission to pursue health, education and wellness initiatives for the advancement of medical care in New Jersey and surrounding areas. These initiatives are opportunities for CUP physicians and healthcare personnel to upgrade the quality of community based diagnostic, treatment and prevention services.
In an era of reduction in medical services, the primary goal for CUP is the improvement of medical resources, therapeutic outcomes and disease management for New Jersey and surrounding areas. This goal addresses ongoing change as well as the need for more patient education in healthcare. Since the need is growing, these are the objectives CUP has identified to make a significant difference.
CUP physicians participate and perform services for the community. The services are part of programs designed to improve the quality of healthcare, increase health awareness information, and help citizens take control of their health.
CUP accepts tax-deductible donations for the Children Asthma Management Program and Senior Care Wellness Program. Checks or money orders can be made payable to Community United Providers and mailed to the address shown below. Support is appreciated to continue healthcare initiatives that improve wellness in the community.
Community United Providers Inc.
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